My job is to check new products under development. No experience, therefore, stimulating ! Keina Deguchi, Quality Assurance Dept. HQ Joining a company in 2003
What job are you doing at present ?
I am doing quality controls at all stages from materials to products, testing each and every items to be tested. making sure if the items tested conform to the norm of standards set by us. The Quality Guarantee Room where I work collects many samples and information coming from R&D and Manufacturing divisions. Hence we often work together with staff of different divisions.
What is it that stimulates and motivates you to do such a job ?
If troubles happen in the course of doing my job, to be frank, finding solutions is not easy. When we arrive at a solution and things all go well as scheduled, I am happy as much. New items under development are something totally unknown to me and testing of those samples is interesting and stimulating to me. Good thing is I do not have to work overtime except for rare cases. Because it is very important that we set testing schedules and attain results on time. Otherwise we keep waiting and stalling next researches to follow. We have to respond flexibly to the situations. I searched several pharmaceutical firms for choosing my career. I was interested more in medium-sized company than giants because I thought that medium-sized company could offer me more opportunities of doing many things. Sanyo was my correct choice.
What your message to those who are considering career with Sanyo ?
The work to be assigned to you is basically done not by a group but by yourself alone. Notwithstanding, to cooperate with people around you is important. The things that you have to care for include
(1)you should return the equipment to the original place after your use so that a person who use them after you can find without wasting time. If misplaced elsewhere, it will inconvenience others, causing a delay or other problem to their job
(2)you should do your job with responsibilities and report your test results correctly because it is the samples tested by you that make things move to next steps, trusting your tests.
Young people are on the increase at Sanyo. You make friends easily. We often join together with dining and wining and Karaoke ?party. We of same generation share many things in common. We love Sanyo and you are most welcome !
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